Friday, February 26, 2010

Olympic Gold (You can't make this stuff up)

There are two types of people in this world:
1) Parent who think they're clever.
2) Children who think their parents should have known better.
um, yeah wtf have you been watching? Also, iif you aren't watching the olympics, you are missing a guy named manuel pfister. Is there any other kind?

People - remember: You may be foreign and say things with a cute accent, but Americans will always make your name sound dirty.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Olympic Silver (Oh...Canada)

Well the 21st aka XXI Olympics are upon us. And along with it, all the fanfare, glamour, and Canadians we can handle. But something weird is happening: a craze of sorts if you will. Everyone wants the bright red, appropriately maple leaf logo'd handwear! People can't get enough of them!
Bidding on my olympic mittens!

I think Barney Stinson said it best. "It's Canada! Question One: Do you want to be Canadian? Question Two: Really?"

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Here's "The Situation"

I love Italians. I love Italian food, Italian wine, Italian clothes, Italian cars. So it was completely natural that I fell in love with a little reality show about life on the beach in the Garden State.
O totally just stole a jersey shore poster from the bathroom
What would Snooki have to say about that? Probably, "When I say I’m ready to go wild, I’m gonna go wild."

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Thursday, February 04, 2010

There's No Place like Home

I love hanging out with my friends. They are a peculiar bunch, with varying interests. But sometimes schedules conflict and I have to choose between social engagements.
Dude. we have to pass. Saturday is 70th anniversary of Wizard of Oz party at our clean apt! do u want to come? had me at "party".
You lost me at "Wizard of Oz".